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Petition - Inhumane Feeding

Autorenbild: Josephine SJosephine S




To: Mr. Michael Fakhri, Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food:

This petition to the Special Rapporteur is submitted on behalf of all present and future prisoners incarcerated within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) in the State of Texas, United States of America, and respectfully requests that the Special Rapporteur immediately exercise its authority under the thematic mandate to investigate the following issues related to Texas prisoners being deprived of adequate food.

This petition asserts that TDCJ is in violation of the United Nations Standard

Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, Rule 22.1 (and any related human rights

standard) in that the TDCJ has continuously neglected to provide it's prisoners with

food of nutritional value adequate for health and strength, and in wholesome quality.

The petition further asserts that, although prison food has never been of high quality,

such neglect is becoming perpetually compounded by the fallout of the world-wide

economic crisis and the pending global food scarcity/shortages. Conditions have become

so serious as to deprive Texas prisoners of the minimal civilized measures of life's

necessities. This issue is present in all Texas prisons in varing degrees, and as the

economic crisis becomes increasingly worse, prisoners are at substantial risk.of

serious and irreparable harm. The issues that Texas prisoners face are:

* Meals that fall far short of the daily required caloric content (to the degree

that prisoner's caloric intake is on par with 3rd World standards)

* Meals consist predominately of starch and carbohydrates, and are void of

meaningful protein and fresh fruit and vegetables.

* Meals are frequently watered down to increase their volume.

* Prisoners are forced to supplement caloric deficiencies with commissary

purchases, however this option has become extremely difficult with new

TDCJ-implemented spend limits, product shortages, and irregular commissary

access. This option is not available to the large number of indigent prisoners

who have no abitity to supplement caloric deficiencies and rely entirely on

the meals provided by TDCJ.

* "Sacked meals" consist of a sandwich diet that are becoming increasingly used

by TDCJ to substitute hot meals when the unit is not on lockdown. These sacked

meals do not meet the caloric requirement and are absolutely void of nutritional


* Prisoners are not afforded adequate time to eat their meals - which forces

prisoners to throw away the majority of their food. This further deprives

them of required caloric intake and the speed at which they must ingest their

food can contribute to serious health issues.

* The common practice of kitchen service managers is to falsify the

documentation recording what is fed in an attempt to cover-up caloric

and nutritional deficiencies in the meals. What policy mandates has no

similarity to what is actually fed to prisoners.

* Food is regularly prepared in an unsanitory manner without masks and

gloves; fail to ensure food is kept at proper temperatures; utensils

are insufficiently cleaned or sanitized; and failure to ensure that pests and vermin are separated from the food.

* Some food given to prisoners is not fit for human consumption without

further processing.

TDCJ may have sufficient dietary policy in place, however in practice that policy is

not actually applied.

For example, the TDCJ "Correctional Managed Health Care and Therapeutic Dietary Policy

and Procedures Manual" (September 2020) allows for at least 2400-2700 calories per

prisoner, per day. The truth on the ground is very different. The maximum calorie

court per prisoner, per day, is actually closer to 1600 calories, and at times as

low as 1100-1200 calories (3rd World standards). An average hot-meal consists of:


- Chicken Pattie (190 cal)

- 4oz Beans (160 cal)

- 4oz Carrots (20 cal)

- 4oz Mixed Vegetables (40 cal)

- 4oz Canned Sweet Potatoes (124 cal)


This level of caloric intake is insufficient to maintain a full grown adult. Prolonged

systemic practices of underfeeding will result in malnutrition, susceptability to illness (including COVID) and demoralization (resulting in mental health issues).

This underfeeding is not only an insufficiency in caloric value being served, it is also effected by the lack of time a prisoner has to ingest their meal. TDCJ policy mandates that a prisoner be allowed 20 minutes from the time they enter the dinning

room to eat their meal. Like alot in TDCJ, this policy is mot followed and prisoners are given an average of 8 mins 51 sec in the dinning room, with an average of 5 mins 30 sec of actual eating time. It is extremely rare that a prisoner is able to finish the entire meal before an officer orders the prisoner to throw away what food they have left and leave. The result is an incredible amount of wasted food and prisoners are denied the ability to eat what little they are given. Over the years of this,

the motto among prisoners is: "Eat now, taste later".

A significant number of caloric intake is from sacked meals. On the Robertson Unit, for example, in the month of January 2022 there were 23 out of 31 days where the prison population was fed at least one sacked meal. Out of a total of 93 meals that month, 42 of them where sacked meals. The justification for this substitution of sacked meals for hot meals was staff shortages. According to the "Correctional Managed Health Care Therapeutic Dietary Policy and Procedures Manual" the following is an example of one day of FY20 Lockdown Menu:

BREAKFAST: 2 boiled eggs; 2 slices bread; 2tbs raisins; 3/4 cup dry cereal;

1tbs margarine; 2pkt diet jelly; 8oz milk.

LUNCH: 1 chicken pattie sandwich on white bread with 1tbs salad dressing;

1 beef pattie sandwich on white bread with 1tbs salad dressing: plus 1/2 cup fruit.

DINNER: Fried fish sandwich on white bread with 1tbs tartar sauce; 1 chicken

pattie sandwich on white bread with 1tbs salad dressing; plus 1/2 cup fruit.

In reality, what commonly constitutes one days lockdown sacked meal is as follows:

BREAKFAST: 1 peanut butter and jelly sandwich (269 cal); 1 boiled egg (75 cal)

[TOTAL: 344 cal]

LUNCH: 1 peanut butter and jelly sandwich (269 cal); 1 chicken patty sandwichon white bread (330 cal) [TOTAL: 599 cal]

DINNER: 1 peanut butter and jelly sandwich (269 cal) ; 1 bologna sandwich on white bread (200 cal) (TOTAL: 469 cal)

Nowhere in the FY20 Lockdown Menus is there a single peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Yet in TDCJ, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are given as a staple. The average sacked meal ALWAYS contains a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. TDCJ counts such:as 580 calories. However in actuality a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is only 269 calories. This is because each sandwich only has one ounce mix of peanut butter and jelly (1/2 oz peanut butter and 1/2 oz jelly) which equates to 129 calories (peanut butter

= 5.625 calories per gram; jelly = 2.5 calories per gram). The two slices of bread adds an additional 140 calories. Using simple math, it is obvious that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in TDCJ is only 269 calories. TDCJ over estimates such by 311


Attached at EXHIBIT A is the label of a "meat" being served by TDCJ since November 2020. The first thing that should catch the eye on the label is the "FOR FURTHER PROCESSING ONLY" warning. This stongly suggests that it isn't meant to be consumed by humans without further processing. This so-called "Boneless Skinless Ground Chicken Meat" comes in a large frozen block which is a deep blood red (which is unusual for ground chicken). As it defrosts it turns into a slime which has a putrid, rotten smell. To cook it, TDCJ boils it, after which it takes on a gray color andis then either combined with mayonnaise to create "chicken salad" or mixed with pasta or rice before being served to prisoners. Often it is difficult to determine the difference between the chicken and the pork/beef. Prisoners have been complaining.

that they experience diarrhea after eating it. It is reasonable to suspect that this "meat" is actually some kind of byproduct and is being fed to prisoners by TDCJ because it is cheap.

The United Nations is currently warning of Global Food Scarcity and Shortages by 2023.

It is reasonable to assume that the inadequacies and issues presented in this document will only be aggravated because of this, and rather then reduce it's bloated prison population, TDCJ will continue to deliberately underfeed it's prisoners.

"TDCJ's population averages 140,000 and to neglect to provide such a large population

with adequate food of nutritional value for health and strength is cruel and inhumane punishment. This is a human rights violation of such a magnitude as to warrant serious consideration by the UN Human Rights Council. Such international scrutiny may prove to be the impetus to correct this gross violation of the most fundamental human right

- the right to adequate food.

Respectfully Submitted,

Justin Panus #02167693


Robertson Unit

P.O. Box 660400

Dallas, Texas 75266-0400

Scott Zirus #01640002


Robertson Unit

P.O. Box 660400

Dallas, Texas 75266-0400

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Der erste Brief / The first letter 

Was schreibt man als erstes an einen Häftling? Komischerweise, hatte ich keine Probleme die passenden Worte zu finden. Einfach alles fühlte sich ganz natürlich an, als würde ich seine Seele schon sehr lange kennen. (Nein, nicht im romantischen Sinne.) Ich spürte einfach eine tiefe Verbundenheit. Bei einem Verbündeten stellt sich die Frage nicht, welche Themen angebracht sind. Mein erster Brief an ihn war 10 Seiten lang. Ich musste mich quasi bremsen, denn an Ideen mangelte es nicht. Ich erzählte ihm über Intuition, wie ich ihn gefunden habe, über die Macht der Gedanken. Meine Träume und Wünsche. Einfach alles, was mir auf der Seele lag und wovon ich genau wusste, dass er weiß wovon ich rede. Eine Woche habe ich gebraucht um zu überlegen, ob ich das wirklich möchte. Man hört schließlich von Gefahren und Warnungen was solche Brieffreundschaften betrifft. Aber wie kann ich meiner Intuition eine Abfuhr erteilen? Garnicht, ganz genau! Also ab zur Post damit. 22 Tage habe ich gewartet... Dann war sie da, seine Antwort. Nicht nur die Antwort auf meinen Brief, sondern auch die Antwort auf meine Intuition. Auf 14 Seiten schrieb er genauso, wie ich es gehofft hatte. Das ist die Seele, die ich schon kenne. Kein Zweifel. 

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Die Anfänge / The beginnings

2022, nach einem wundervoll inspirierendem Abend bei einer Freundin, folgte ich meiner Intuition auf der Suche nach... Ja, nach was eigentlich? Das wusste ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht. Ich vertraute meiner inneren Stimme und ließ mich einfach leiten. In den Tiefen weiten des Internets, durchforstete ich Seiten nach Schreibutensilien. Ich liebe alte Füllfederhalter, Kugelschreiber, schönes Papier und tolle Briefumschläge. Stundenlang sah ich mir antike Füller an, las Poesie und Kurzgeschichten, bis ich auf einer Seite für Brieffreundschaften landete. Ich dachte mir, es sei nett, mal wieder etwas anderes in meinem Briefkasten zu finden, als Rechnungen. Irgendwie spürte ich jedoch, dass dies nicht das ist, wonach ich "gesucht" habe. Durch Zufall stieß ich dann auf eine Seite names "Wire of Hope". Es hat ein paar Minuten gedauert, bis ich begriffen habe worum es eigentlich ging. Es ist eine wundervolle Seite, die US-Häftlinge vorstellt, welche auf der Suche nach Brieffreundschaften sind. Zugegeben, hatte auch ich ein paar Vorurteile und dachte mir "Naja, Brieffreunde suchen die sicherlich nicht". Trotzdem hat meine Neugierde gesiegt und ich sah mir ein paar Profile von Insassen an. Was habe ich überhaupt erwartet? Ich weiß es nicht! Die ersten drei Profile waren, mehr oder weniger,  genau das, was ich vermutet hatte. Eben Männer auf der Suche nach etwas, vorzugsweise weiblicher, Ablenkung. Wer kann es ihnen verübeln? Das vierte Inserat las sich jedoch anders. Ich erinnere mich genau an dessen Anfang "Perspective defines individuality. Individuality changes with new perspective. Let us evolve our individualism and share our perspectives. I welcome a conversation with an open mind... " Und da war es, dieses besondere Gefühl. Meine Intuition führte mich nicht zu etwas, sondern zu Jemandem! Justin. 
In 2022, after a wonderfully inspiring evening at a friend's house, I followed my intuition in search of.... Yes, for what actually? I didn't know that at the time. I trusted my inner voice and simply let myself be guided. In the depths of the Internet, I searched pages for writing utensils. I love old fountain pens, ballpoint pens, beautiful paper and great envelopes. I spent hours looking at antique fountain pens, reading poetry and short stories, until I landed on a site for pen pals. I thought it would be nice to find something other than bills in my mailbox. Somehow, however, I felt that this was not what I was "looking" for. By chance I came across a site called "Wire of Hope". It took me a few minutes to realize what it was all about. It is a wonderful site that features US prisoners who are looking for pen pals. Admittedly, I too had some preconceptions and thought to myself "well, they certainly aren't looking for pen pals". Nevertheless, my curiosity won out and I looked at a few profiles of inmates. What was I expecting to find anyway? I don't know! The first three profiles were, more or less, exactly what I had suspected. Just men looking for some, preferably female, distraction. Who can blame them? The fourth ad, however, read differently. I remember exactly how it began: "Perspective defines individuality. Individuality changes with new perspective. Let us evolve our individualism and share our perspectives. I welcome a conversation with an open mind... "And there it was, this special feeling. My intuition led me not to something, but to Someone! Justin.

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